An update on the CT scanning drama
I recently wrote about a technology that can either be used for good and bad, to authenticate legitimate sealed products and, conversely, destroy TCGs permanently by making distrust ubiquitous. Inevitably, when a technology evolves and scales, it becomes cheaper and ever so widespread. No retailer will be trusted by the masses. It can’t be that absolutely everyone has a wretched heart and wants to scam their brother. So how does a vendor remain a trusted seller? After all that is the only sound that is resonating on social media in the face of this technology picking up pace.
Well, that is easy. Take countermeasures. Show that you are directly opposed to this skullduggery by hitting them where it hurts. In this case, I went straight to the manufacturers and publishers of popular TCGs that are affected by this technology to inform them that is occurring and that will trickle down to affect modern sales of in-print sets at some point. There is also so many comments on YouTube videos covering this ordeal that support the notion that the manufacturers should do something about it. This made the response I got from Pokémon so surprising.
After being greeted formally by the responding agent, I was taken aback to find I was letting them know ie. bringing this to their attention. If so many fans of the franchise wanted the manufacturers to do something about it, why did the agent reply with an unsuspecting line of that tone? Maybe plenty of people have contacted them but it just happens to be the generic response you get from this behemoth corporation. That is the usual deal. Either way, it is now up to the executives to decide how to handle this going forward. Naturally, I did the same on the contact us page for bandai-tcg-plus. This would facilitate change with the One Piece, DBS, Union Arena, Digimon and some other TCGs or CCGs under the Bandai banner. As of posting this, I’m yet to hear back from Bandai- that’s if they bother to respond.
Alright, I got a really terse response from Bandai/Cardass but a reply no less.
I think that is about all of the manufacturers of trading card games. Oh, wait… Konami and, to a lesser extent, Ravensburger - purveyors of the illustrious Lorcana? Did anyone contact them about their TCG offerings? I’m sure someone will inform them sooner rather than later.